Prayer for silent killer Christian thinking that once saved always saved doctrine and it is ok to sin and say sorry after which but continue without repentance I was once like this thinking it is ok to sin and say sorry but continue in sin as grace was given freely until my friend and the...
When the Cathedral becomes REI idol which is not focused on the doctrine of Jesus Christ and humans but rather is interested in prophecy in Jesus' name, driving out demons in Jesus' name, and performing many miracles in Jesus' name, and also about the outlook and appearance of the Cathedral, and...
Fear that I am going to hell. Read the doctrine of election and fear that I am predestined to hell
Please Father God, by the blood of your precious Son, Lord Jesus Christ, please can you let me know whether I will be going to heaven or hell. If hell, please have mercy on me a sinner as I need...
For my partner to have dreams of Jesus, to take an interest in church and find or listen to one online that has sound doctrine and many congregants who love the Lord and strive to obey him, and to be born again
The Daily Power Quote
"Love can not be reduce to a doctrine, nor can peace be misconstrued as an agreement. Love and peace emanates from within, empowering us to righteousness.
Open your heart to Jesus.
- C444 -
Good day brothers and...
My family is broken and my husband a d chn have lost sight of God and have gone contrary to sound doctrine. I am lost and alone in need of a healing a job food and money to pay my bills. Most of all I want my family back. I need prayer and I need financial support to stay alive til God rewards...
please pray for marital problems...we cant go to church or fellowship because hubby's doctrine are contradicting to all church. But my children and family need fellowship. It's been 20years
Please pray for a new year of peace and safety. Please pray for the past and its passing. Please pray for the doctrine of future things and its manifestation. IJN Amen
Namibia is darkened by religious and doctrine young children rebellion angaist the it parents,the truth is not in Namibia Nation there are many fake teaching ,churches lead without the presence of the holysprit,let agree together God to deliver Namibia,
country: namibia
doctrinedoctrine young children rebellion
fake teaching churches
holy spirit
many fake teaching
namibia nation
young children rebellion
"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
(1 John 4:4)
As children of God, we fear no false teacher or doctrine. We fear no antichrist. For the power, grace, love and work of God have freed us as believers from...
beloved boat hallelujah
country: malaysia
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irrevocable birthright hallelujah
little children
published healing miracles