
  1. Anonymous

    Hard time

    I'm going throw hard time where I dnt only get attack at work but at home aswell it makes me feel vey unhappy last night I cried myself asleep Also pray for my baby that cries during at night ,he only stop crying when I rather sleep with him in the living room dno what cause him to be...
  2. Teraspywa

    My self rajwinder i prayer request is ...

    My self rajwinder i prayer request is for baby blessing because doctor said i dnt hv good quality of eggs and i try ivf but its unsuccessfull
  3. Pemsenwen

    dear father

    chagen my life and my mind the devil trying to make like i dnt love the lord help me o father to fight this fight in ur holy name amen ..
  4. Uskosk

    Prayer for the forum b with us ...

    Prayer for the forum b with us even we dnt reply bt wht i say my eye and maid read and think believe in wht i dnt see to b seen in name of th father jesus
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