In my own human strength i can do nothing but thru Jesus Christ my Lord & Savior i can do all things who strengthens me
I Believe Father In Jesus's Name so please help any unbelief at those times when i am most weak in my life
Help Me Daddy-God
Heal Me Daddy-God
Protect Me Daddy-God
Provide For...
country: united states
glory abba father
great supernatural power
holy spirit
human strength
miraculous provisions blessings
special words
trinity amen xoxox
Alef (א)Bet (ב)Gimel (ג)Dalet (ד)Heh (ה) Vav (ו)Zayin (ז)Khet (ח)Tet (ת)Yud (י)Kaf (ק) Lamed (ל)Mem (מ)Nun (נ)Samekh (ס)Ayin (ע)Peh (פ)Tzadi(k) (צ)Qof (ק)Resh (ר)Shin (ש)Tav (ת I ask your permission courts of divinity to present a case in the sight of the Lord through the eyes of The Holy...