disease research education

  1. Terisard

    prayer requests 202306050213

    prayer requests: Universal Life Church Monastery, Universal Life Church Seminary, Universal Life Church Headquarters, American Marriage Ministries, the 2203 DNA Relatives of my kinfolks presently and their 10 generations to come. the Parkinson's Disease Foundation, the Michael J. Fox Foundation...
  2. Terisard

    First and foremost, thank you for your ...

    First and foremost, thank you for your continued support through this ministry effort. May the Almighty Creator, guide, direct, protect, and illuminate your every pathways; the Parkinson's disease, research, education and clinical centers-nationally; the Parkinson's Support Center of Northern...
  3. Terisard

    Disabled American Veterans National Service Organization; US ...

    Disabled American Veterans National Service Organization; US Dept. of Veterans Affairs Clinical Research on Intimate Domestic Violence; Reno VAMC-Movement Disorders Center-Head of Neurology-Parkinson's Disease Specialist-Hon. Dr. Peacock, John; Parkinson's Disease, Research, Education and...
  4. Terisard

    prayer requests: 202110201046

    On Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease in My Dad By MaryBeth Skylis October 11, 2021 5 2 If you’ve gone down the rabbit hole of potential Parkinson’s disease (PD) symptoms, chances are that you’ve encountered dementia. The infamous dementia grabs hold of our faculties, causing changes to the...
  5. Terisard

    Prayer requests; Rocket Mortgage and the 'A home for every veteran campaign'.

    Prayer requests for Rocket Mortgage and the 'A home for every veteran campaign'. and all of my current prayer requests at my youtube video for September 26, 2021. Especially for my brothers and sisters in the US Department of Defense and their service to our beautiful country. To protect and...
  6. Terisard

    Prayer requests 202107040813

    Good Morning, Dear Brothers and Sister. Thank you for praying with me. Interpol Children and Human Trafficking Division, Buckner Children Home, FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, US Dept. of the Army, US Dept of the Navy, US Marshals Service, US Air Force, National Counter Terrorism Center, United...
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