Pray that God will heal the brokenness and disconnection and bring the truth to light in my marriage that God will reveal to my husband that I have been faithful to him in every way and that he will show my husband that he needs to stop calling me those horrible things he calls me to stop...
Please pray that God will provide the funds for me to be able to pay my utility bills this month to avoid disconnection. This is a temporary situation, but I have exhausted all of my resources except my faith in God.
Turned away from Hindu tantric initiation as some may remember. The enemy is still trying to sift me 3 months later. Please pray for my disconnection from all works of the evil one... Especially initiations, permissions, and spells.
Thank you,
Dear God, all I ask to please help me find a way to get this month of November get my bills paid even if I only pay half for each one so that I don’t get a disconnection noticed. Just need to catch up. Needing to find a way for my car as well. I’m sorry if I haven’t gone to any services this...
Plz pray for the breakage and disconnection and destruction of spiritual HUSBAND from my name ,soul ,body AND mind IN JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY NAMES AAAAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN KIRAN BATOOL, YASSUEEN
Prayer for disconnection from these underworld people, they used another phone No. to call me, when I realized they were the one I confirmed it to be wrong phone No. And I disconnected the call immediately, Pls, what do I do, I get disturbed when I hear their voices, pls help me I have been...