
  1. Dexter2020

    Current Singapore situation

    Please pray for Singapore as there is only a small number of Singaporeans in Singapore but a majority of foreigners and it is not as what was mentioned in Leviticus but rather the foreigners are more than the Singaporeans and the government of Singapore mistreated and abuse Singaporeans and...
  2. Dexter2020

    Return back to us

    Pray that the PAP will be removed in the next election. It had done a lot of harm to locals by abusing and short charging us. Putting the locals at a disadvantage in terms of jobs and careers and gave all our jobs, housing and what we should have to foreigners, making the locals have no jobs or...
  3. Dexter2020

    Pray that the PAP will be removed in the next election

    Pray that the PAP will be removed in the next election. It had done a lot of harm to locals by abusing and short charging us. Putting the locals at a disadvantage in terms of jobs and careers and gave all our jobs, housing and what we should have to foreigners, making the locals have no jobs or...
  4. Dexter2020

    Pray that the PAP will be removed ...

    Pray that the PAP will be removed in the next election. It had done a lot of harm to locals by abusing and short charging us. Putting the locals at a disadvantage in terms of jobs and careers and gave all our jobs, housing and what we should have to foreigners, making the locals have no jobs or...
  5. Dublin Green Adokiye

    Every word spoken contrary to the word ...

    Every word spoken contrary to the word of God or plan and purpose of God over your life is rendered null and void by the power of the Holy Spirit. I can't be put to a disadvantage or made to suffer any loss . Amen
  6. Anonymous

    Pass the interview

    Please jesus i have completed my interview but it was not perfect …i made a lot of mistakes and my presentation was imperfect.i know that im at a disadvantage here but please jesus even though im a sinner for not always doing the best for me as well as others and also seeking your grace when im...
  7. fiona mcguinness

    Dear Lord, I am feeling stressed and ...

    Dear Lord, I am feeling stressed and anxious about my job and my life generally. I feel that management are unfairly trying to make radical changes in my workplace.People are potentially going to have to compete for their jobs and I feel as if I am at a disadvantage already,as I have challenges...
  8. Anonymous

    Please pray to me, someone is working ...

    Please pray to me, someone is working to my disadvantage and may make me lose money.
  9. Temnoomai

    Good day I am asking you to ...

    Good day I am asking you to pray for my partner his name is OSCAR PHOKANE FROM SA he just sign some form yesterday for (job )bt before they hire him they have to go throw the form to double check and in that form they ask that do you have ( debt/ blacklisted )and his not sure that his...
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