"He arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights."
—1 Kings 19:8
Morning Thought
All the strength supplied to us by our gracious God is meant for service, not for wantonness or boasting. When the prophet Elijah found the cake baked on the...
bread of heaven
charles h spurgeon
country: local intranet
dainty fare
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon morning
forty nights
juniper tree
loins girt
master's service
paschal lamb
perfect service believer
prophet elijah
renewed strength
thirsty earth
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved."
—Mark 16:16
Evening Thought
Mr. MacDonald asked the inhabitants of the island of St. Kilda how a man must be saved. An old man replied, "We shall be saved if we repent, and forsake our sins, and turn to God." "Yes," said a middle-aged...
carnal mind
charles h spurgeon
country: local intranet
decent creed
deepest pity
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon evening
free grace
lord's supper
lord's way
mite feeling
mr macdonald
old man
st kilda
true heart
way of salvation
written consent
"At evening time it shall be light."
—Zechariah 14:7
Morning Thought
Oftentimes we look forward with forebodings to the time of old age, forgetful that at eventide it shall be light. To many saints, old age is the choicest season in their lives. A balmier air fans the mariner's cheek as he...
altar of age
balmier air fans
charles h spurgeon
choicest season
country: local intranet
evening time
fewer waves
hand light
jasper light
light of immortality
light zechariah
many saints
real flame
saints old age
sea quiet
time of fruition
time of old age forgetful
unseen adieu brother
"If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous."
—1 John 2:1
Evening Thought
"If any man sin, we have an advocate." Yes, though we sin, we have him still. John does not say, "If any man sin he has forfeited his advocate," but "we have an advocate," sinners...
advocate sinners
anointed use
appointed advocate
charles h spurgeon
commercial use
country: local intranet
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon evening
evening thought
heartlight inc
righteous 1 john
righteous one
thine advocate
written consent
"Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?"
—Hebrews 1:14
Morning Thought
Angels are the unseen attendants of the saints of God; they bear us up in their hands, lest we dash our foot against a stone. Loyalty to their Lord leads...
14 morning thought
charles h spurgeon
country: local intranet
deep interest
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon morning
heirs of salvation seraphim
innumerable company of angels
ministering spirits
morning thought angels
morning vows
olden times
stone loyalty
twenty thousand chariots
unseen attendants
written consent
"The hope which is laid up for you in heaven."
—Colossians 1:5
Morning Thought
Our hope in Christ for the future is the mainspring and the mainstay of our joy here. It will animate our hearts to think often of heaven, for all that we can desire is promised there. Here we are weary and...
celestial fields
charles h spurgeon
constant grief
country: local intranet
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon morning
faithful servant
heaven colossians
highest uses
hope of heaven
joyous effort
land of rest
potent force
present reward
unknown things
written consent
"A man greatly beloved."
—Daniel 10:11
Evening Thought
Child of God, do you hesitate to appropriate this title? Ah! has your unbelief made you forget that you are greatly beloved too? Must you not have been greatly beloved, to have been bought with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb...
beloved daniel
charles h spurgeon
country: local intranet
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon evening
divine love
evening thought child
exceeding greatness
faithfulness of divine love
heartlight inc
loving father
precious blood
super abounding love
superabounding love
unspeakable love
written consent
"He will give grace and glory."
—Psalms 84:11
Evening Thought
Bounteous is Jehovah in his nature; to give is his delight. His gifts are beyond measure precious, and are as freely given as the light of the sun. He gives grace to his elect because he wills it, to his redeemed because of his...
bestowal grace
bloom grace
charles h spurgeon
country: local intranet
darkest hour reader
diamond rivet
faithful two golden links
full bloom grace
future grace
glory of eternity
glory of heaven
glory psalms
grace poverty
little conjunction
long glory
one celestial chain
sabbath dress grace
soul glory
"Pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved."
—Song of Solomon 7:13
Morning Thought
The spouse desires to give to Jesus all that she produces. Our heart has "all manner of pleasant fruits," both "old and new," and they are laid up for our Beloved. At this rich...
charles h spurgeon
country: local intranet
head old sins
manner of pleasant fruits
new efforts
new fruits
new gratitude
new labors
new labour's
new life new joy
new life new joy new gratitude
new resolves
old fruits
old remembrances
one good fruit
pleasant fruits new
rich autumnal season
"Sing forth the honour of his name, make his praise glorious."
—Psalms 66:2
Morning Thought
It is not left to our own option whether we shall praise God or not. Praise is God's most righteous due, and every Christian, as the recipient of his grace, is bound to praise God from day to day. It...
absolute obligation
authoritative rubric
charles h spurgeon
country: local intranet
daily praise
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon morning
divine husbandman
pleasurable exercise
praise glorious psalms
redeeming king
setting sun
songs of praise
unwritten mandate
written consent
"A living dog is better than a dead lion."
—Ecclesiastes 9:4
Evening Thought
Life is a precious thing, and in its humblest form it is superior to death. This truth is eminently certain in spiritual things. It is better to be the least in the kingdom of heaven than the greatest out of it. The...
better watch
charles h spurgeon
country: local intranet
dead calms
dead faith
dead lion ecclesiastes
dead lions
dead profession
lifeless songs
living dog
living loving gospel sermon
living o
other religious exercises
poorest spiritual preacher
same lifeless material
sight of superior
spiritual things
"Behold, if the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague."
—Leviticus 13:13
Morning Thought
Strange enough this regulation appears, yet there was wisdom in it, for the throwing out of the disease proved that the constitution was sound. This...
charles h spurgeon
charles h spurgeon http feeds feedburner com r
country: local intranet
death blow
deep sense
deep sense of sin
defilement of sin
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon morning
great heart
holy spirit
morning thought
poor heavy laden sinner
self righteousness
true leprosy
typical teaching
unfelt unconfessed iniquity
written consent
"The Lord looketh from heaven; he beholdeth all the sons of men."
—Psalms 33:13
Morning Thought
Perhaps no figure of speech represents God in a more gracious light than when he is spoken of as stooping from his throne, and coming down from heaven to attend to the wants and to behold the woes...
charles h spurgeon
charles h spurgeon http feeds feedburner com r
country: local intranet
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon morning
dying sinner
failing heart longs
father pitieth
gracious light
great truth
heart of jehovah
highest glory
men psalms
morning thought
personal visitation
spiritual concerns
temporal interests
voice heaven trembles
written consent
"Happy art thou, O Israel; who is like unto thee, O people saved by the Lord!"
—Deuteronomy 33:29
Morning Thought
He who affirms that Christianity makes men miserable, is himself an utter stranger to it. It were strange indeed, if it made us wretched, for see to what a position it exalts us...
abba father
charles h spurgeon
comfortable fruits
constant grief
country: local intranet
divine comforter
great bridegroom
happy art
light of joy
o israel
o people
penniless beggars
small inheritors of joy
spirit of adoption
spirit of bondage
spirit world
"The myrtle trees that were in the bottom."
—Zechariah 1:8
Morning Thought
The vision in this chapter describes the condition of Israel in Zechariah's day; but being interpreted in its aspect towards us, it describes the Church of God as we find it now in the world. The Church is compared to...
careless gazer
carnal eyes
charles h spurgeon
country: local intranet
craggy peaks
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon morning
emblem of peace
impetuous wind
inward tranquility of god's church
mountain summits
myrtle grove
myrtle sheds
myrtle trees
peaceful perpetual growth
tranquil security
"Just, and the justifier of him which believeth."
—Romans 3:26
Morning Thought
Being justified by faith, we have peace with God. Conscience accuses no longer. Judgment now decides for the sinner instead of against him. Memory looks back upon past sins, with deep sorrow for the sin, but yet...
charles h spurgeon
country: local intranet
deep sorrow
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon morning
divine receipt
double payment
full equivalent
last jot
past sins
same belief
"For I was ashamed to require of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way: because we had spoken unto the king, saying, The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him; but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him."
arm of flesh
blessed thing
charles h spurgeon
country: local intranet
creature's arm
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon morning
heathen king
holy shame facedness
implicit reliance
many accounts
mere hypocrisy
pilgrim band
state endowments
visible protection
written consent
"I sleep, but my heart waketh."
—Song of Solomon 5:2
Evening Thought
Paradoxes abound in Christian experience, and here is one-the spouse was asleep, and yet she was awake. He only can read the believer's riddle who has ploughed with the heifer of his experience. The two points in this...
charles h spurgeon
country: local intranet
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon evening
heart waketh song
heart waketh song of solomon
holy duties
hopeful wakefulness sleep
melting heart
mournful sleepiness
religious exercises
renewed heart struggles
solomon 5 2 evening thought paradoxes
two points
wakeful heart
"Accepted in the beloved."
—Ephesians 1:6
Morning Thought
What a state of privilege! It includes our justification before God, but the term "acceptance" in the Greek means more than that. It signifies that we are the objects of divine complacence, nay, even of divine delight. How marvellous...
beloved ephesians
charles h spurgeon
country: local intranet
devosspurgeondevosspurgeon morning
divine complacence
divine delight
divine love
full assurance thy glorious standing
glorified souls
morning thought
mortals sinners
objects of divine complacence
objects of divine love
term acceptance
written consent
"Let Israel rejoice in him."
—Psalms 149:2
Morning Thought
Be glad of heart, O believer, but take care that thy gladness has its spring in the Lord. Thou hast much cause for gladness in thy God, for thou canst sing with David, "God, my exceeding joy." Be glad that the Lord reigneth, that...
charles h spurgeon
clear sweet heavenly streams
country: local intranet
deep river
exceeding joy
fresh ray
glad knowing
glad of heart o believer
glad ye children of zion
god's people
heart o
mighty acts
new mercies
olden times
theme of joy