Devin, John, Steve, Nancie, Celia, Jack GOD please have them surrender to you. Have their addiction to alcohol, drugs, or gambling become repugnant to them. The hole they fill with these addictions be filled by the Holy Spirit. Give Sam resolution to his marriage.
Devin, John, Steve, Nancie, Celia, Jack GOD please have them surrender to you. Have their addiction to alcohol, drugs, or gambling become repugnant to them. The hole they fill with these addictions be filled by the Holy Spirit. Sam's future be clear to him and that he is obedient to your will.
Devin, John, Steve, Nancie, Celia, Jack GOD please have them surrender to you. Have their addiction to alcohol, drugs, or gambling become repugnant to them. The hole they fill with these addictions be filled by the Holy Spirit.