dental flesh health

  1. natasha2

    No stomach issues, no procraatination

    Health of my dental flesh. Health of my stomach. No sickness, inflammation, swelling, cyst, irritation anywhere in my body. No gastritis, acid reflux, diarrhea, etc. COMPLETE HEALTH. High efficiency in my home and work obligation. Especially to adjust and send my school programs...
  2. natasha2

    Health - me, Helena - cancer, my father - blindness...

    No nervosity, tension, stress. No unease in my stomach, intestines, diggestion. No diarrhea or weird symptoms. Quick miracolous healing. Stoping of my period. Lasts for to long and came to early. Regulation of menstr cycle. Easy transition into menopause. Dental flesh health. No abscess...
  3. natasha2

    Teeth sinuses

    Health of my teeth Health of my dental flesh Health of my sinuses
  4. natasha2

    Health, relaxation

    Health of my sinuses Health of my dental flesh. Health of my teeth. Health of my stomach. No pms. No stress or tension. Total relaxation.
  5. natasha2

    No.cyst, swelling or abscess -

    Teeth dental flesh health. No cyst, swelling or abscess. Thank you
  6. natasha2

    Teeth, stomach, legg

    Health of my teeth and dental flesh. Health of my stomach. (no gastritis) No pain in my left legg. (nerve or muscle)
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