No more feet swelling, ankles and these headaches due to this awful heat, thanks for cooling us a bit let this weather stay like this now throughout the summer remaining. Also keep us safe and cool and with our upcoming trip and please bless this dental appt that these office finally knows what...
Need His strength to get all this done quickly now and bless dental appt soon and this legal office calls back swiftly and mighty protection favor and blessings my lord
We pray lord to resolve all issues and help dental appt to go well, and we get all the right help we need and healing us relive stomach soon to function by that we have no rstrm issues
pls pray: I ended up last eve. chipping a big piece of tooth off one molar; I need to see a dentist asap. pray for God to miraculously open the door for a dental appt asap. thx!
I also cont. to need prayers for God to help motivate me to clean out car & home. thx!!