Dear heavenly Father, I am coming to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray you will cleanse me of all defilement through dream manipulations from the enemy. I pray You will revive my spirit and cleanse me of anything that is not of You. Revive my prayer life also and uproot anything You did...
I have my young brother he has a case of defilement, his not yet on judgement, a case has taken for 5 months. May you help me to pray for him to be out of that situation. In Jesus name is going to be out of that place.
I pray for deliverance from spiritual pollution through eating in the dream, sexual perversion, and defilement from spirit man and women in the mighty name of Jesus. I receive freedom from setbacks and powers that wants to pull me down and destroy my destiny in the mighty name of Jesus Amen
Praise the Lord, I follow this channel every Sunday all services are powerful. I thank God for this platform, I request Jesus to deliver me. My husband has been imprisoned now 4 months, his name is Paul mwanje, and the girl alleging him of defilement is awino Vivian. He's innocent but...