Pray for me to have the DVD sent back from ### as I recently brought it by upon viewing there are some defects when viewing. Pray that ### will send a new disc without defect.
Maternal Sreum Screening showed 1:147 risk which is above cut off for high risk. Please protect my baby and let my baby be the one without any defects and congenital conditions. Please bless our family!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Lord please help me, n protect my child growing in my womb, to continue growing without any problems, bless me with healthy baby without any defects, please forgive my sins and and help me to have peaceful life and to have more faith in you n to grow in u more, in the name Lord Jesus I pray, Amen
Pray for me that the Lord provide finances, for passing, insurance & registration of my car. Pray that there will be no fines, or defects found in Jesus name