deepening security crisis

  1. Taeweth

    PLEASE PRAY Father God, the violence and ...

    PLEASE PRAY Father God, the violence and brutality across Nigeria is unimaginable. Please intervene to stop these evil attacks and work in the hearts of the militants to turn them from hatred to Your love. Heal Your people who are traumatised by attacks. Give them fresh hope for the future and...
  2. Wylandadh

    persecuted Christians - Update - 3 kidnapped Nigerian students free, 118 others wait. Please pray.

    The worldwide prayer vigil continues for 118 students abducted from the Bethel Baptist High School in Kaduna State, Nigeria on July 5. A total of 121 were taken but three have been released or escaped. The students are between the ages of 10 and 19, with most under 15 years of age. Last week...
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