Dear God, things haven't been well for a long time. I pray for you, and I pray for things other people receive from you. A family, love, health. And I pray and pray and don't receive. Your followers hurt me, leading me to believe less. Please, dear God, my twin flame left me. Bring him back...
Dear Lord,
Things were going a lot better over the past year, esp. since I started sleeping in a recliner. It's harder for acid reflux to climb uphill. The past week or so I've had the same esophageal pain as when the ulcers were bothering me. This has been going on for a long...
Dear Lord i pray things will be okay today. I really need a miracle to graduate. I wish and pray that i will not rotate in any specialty anymore and help me focus on my resaerch. Please i beg of you amen.