dear name

  1. Kraspar


    I pray Jehovah God to free me from witchcraft attacks. To remove all obstacles from my path --from my education and remove it permanentoy from my my apartment. To stop permently something that touches my head from time to time. To make my apartment, name and what ever belongs to me a fire of...
  2. Teynd

    Pls bretheen each time I wants to ...

    Pls bretheen each time I wants to read I get distracted in the mind . sometimes I would immediately sleep off . Now is our test period and next week is exams. Pls pray the Father to heal me of this and grant me the grace to sit down and read with retentive memory. In Jesus dear name. Amen
  3. Broken-b4-Jesus

    Heavenly Father, thank you for my life ...

    Heavenly Father, thank you for my life and salvation, I ask for forgiveness of my wrongs to you and others and forgiveness of my sins in Jesus dear name. I ask Father, that you take pittie on me and in Jesus glorious name I ask that you remove these demons from my life and remove this harmful...
  4. Inverness

    What was Jesus last command?

    A beautiful command Jesus gave to all of us who love Him with all our heart, mind and soul. Hoping we are obeying what He said. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations... teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even unto the ends of...
  5. SongleaderPenny

    Knowing the doctrines.

    It is so interesting to know that people look for the right doctrine to follow and obey. Love what Charles Spurgeon said. I may know all the doctrines of the Bible, but unless I know Christ, there is not one of them that can save me. How true this is. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the...
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