dear father son

  1. Braenmor

    Prayers for the Right Spouse

    Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit I know that You have a plan for my life and I know it's a good one. I know that part of that plan is for someone to one day walk with me each day until you take me home. I've wanted this since I was a young girl. You know me, and You know my likes and dislikes. I...
  2. Danebyn

    Urgent request to ### our house soon!

    Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit Even though it is a terrible market to sell our home, and that our property can not be used for short term rental, I beg of you to send the right buyer very very soon, that will appreciate and love our home. Father we need to sell our home now because of the...
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Very Special Un-Spoken Prayer Requests This Evening & I Am Also Praying For The Confirmations That I Am Needing Of My Father God In Jesus's Name Amen

    Dearest My Abba Father My Daddy God In Heaven In The Name Of Your Son Jesus Christ Please Answer & Confirm My Special Un-Spoken Prayer Requests For Me By This Week-End So I Can Have Peace & Make The Right Decisions Too Thank-You Dearest Blessed Trinity For Helping Me & Healing Me...
  4. Kristiana

    hello, dear Jesus, Father, Holy Spirit, and ...

    hello, dear Jesus, Father, Holy Spirit, and all of you fancy folk followers~ I am asking God to grant me a contract. Oh, please God, please help me to get a good contract in my freelancer work. Oh God, I praise Thee and lift You up! Please help me to get a good contract, Lord. Like one with a...
  5. Xeranara

    Dear Father, Son & Holy Ghost, My ...

    Dear Father, Son & Holy Ghost, My ### is dying of cancer and I need guidance. I never taught him anything about you. I pray that you will find him. I pray that you relieve his pain and suffering. Wrap him in your loving arms and show him peace. Thy will be done Amen
  6. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I humbly ask for compassionate prayers for myself as "I Walk Forward In Faith Father In Jesus's Name" for full restoration & recovery in my whole life

    Dear Father God My Abba-Daddy, Make me a whole new creation & bring total healing restoration & recovery to me that I may be a brand new person and fully whole in every way just as You Restored Your Servant Job after all that he had gone thru after soo many trials for soo many years I KNOW THAT...
  7. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    VERY URGENT SERIOUS PRAYER For 2 Lost Items Or They Were Stolen Items Of Mine That I Can't Find As I Am Un-Packing My Boxes Since Moving To My New Apt

    Please kindly pray that i can recover a small ceramic pitcher & also a covered plastic container of loose change that i was saving for when i did my laundry & i also used to bless others with change when they needed some spare money for their laundry or a taxi or the bus etc... When i moved...
  8. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    "VERY EXTREMELY URGENT" Department Of Motor Vehicles I Pray For Divine Godly Favor To Call For Help RE: My Address Change & My Registration Renewal

    I need to get my car registration renewed immediately if not sooner & I also need to change my address on my driver's license and all other of my vehicle documents as well Because of all the stress that i have been under since my new move here locally also because of some very bad situations...
  9. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    "VERY EXTREMELY URGENT" Department Of Motor Vehicles I Pray For Divine Godly Favor To Call For Help RE: My Address Change & My Registration Renewal

    I need to get my car registration renewed immediately if not sooner & I also need to change my address on my driver's license and all other of my vehicle documents as well Because of all the stress that i have been under since my new move here locally also because of some very bad situations...
  10. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Urgent Prayer Needed For Me As I Feel Soo Sick & Very Over-Whelmed & Anxious & An Up-Date About My Car Repair MY ABBA-DADDY HELP ME IN JESUS CHRIST

    I wish to thank everyone for praying for me about my automobile It did get all fixed today & it was a complete & total miracle I am still trying to work things out with my cell phone carrier & their insurance company as they are wiping the floor with me for 5 days now & i don't know what to do...
  11. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Ask For Much Prayer For Continued Help As I Plan My Local Move Abba-Daddy-God In Jesus's Name Please Help Me Day By Day To Be 100 % Successful Amen

    I just spoke to my local moving man Lewis And we are definitely on for this Sunday Feb 27th I am soo grateful & also soo very relieved Today i must see my doctor & i ask for God's Favor & Mercy at today's appointment Please Father In Jesus's Name Help me be able to coordinate & organize all...
  12. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Dear Daddy-God...may you send my housing miracle on Angel's Wings & may i be able to sleep tonight with no nightmare's safe & unafraid Thank-you Abba.

    Dear Abba--Heavenly Father My Daddy--God i thank-you for keeping me safe soo far in Your Two Hands against all odds and every obstacle that i have faced so far. Please look down on me with Your Favor and Your Grace and provide a stable place for me to call Home Sweet Home... i put the whole...
  13. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Need Prayer For 2 Dear Friends for Full, Complete & Total Resolution to both of their difficult problems...& I thank-you soo much with all of my heart

    One of my friends has a Ford Van that has a computer glitch in it and it is currently in the repair shop as i write this. i am asking that either it can be FULLY AND COMPLETELY repaired or my friend will purchase a new van as he needs this for work as he is in construction and home building...
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