Hi. I have attempted to better myself education wise but it hasn't worked. I need my own apt/ townhome but the job I'm at is not a good place to be. The time has expired and I have truly been a great employee but I can't do this any longer. I want me and my family to make it into heaven but it's...
I have many mental health needs that make it hard to find and keep work. I am a very hard worker and reliable, I need help finding an employer who can accommodate my needs. Currently my dead end job is becoming more and more painful for me. Please pray to help me get free. I’m very weak and...
My husband and I want to get a divorce of 10 years. We don’t have kids together, we both have grown kids except I have one 16-year-old still living at home with us. My marriage is toxic! I live with mental abuse from my husband my whole marriage. I have dealt with physical abuse from him as well...
Hey y'all. I am so glad I found this forum. Reminds me of what it used to be before social media. I am in need of prayer and God's help. I was reading the story of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in Genesis. I told God, I'm always in situations where I am all I have. I'm not a bad person but I would...