Father in heave, I thank You for all the graces and blessings received. I praise and glorify Your name. I confess for all my sins through thoughts, words and deeds. I trust in You O God. In Jesus' name. Amen. God, I continue to pray the following:
1. That I will win 1M in the work anniversary...
country: philippines
family brother father
family business
future 8 claim victory abundance winnings
longevity vitality health wellness abundance
massive sales o trust
self father mother brothers
uncles aunties grandmas
work anniversary
Lord, I am so grateful for all the blessings, opportunities you have bestowed upon me. Thank you for the push, the motivations and the people you have sent to align me to be the best version of my self. Lord, I bless Your name. In atonement for all my sins and shortcomings, I deeply ask for...
I pray that I will graduate in my masters this year. That the data gathering will be smooth. No negative external forces will hinder the process. I also pray that I will win ### for me to pay my huge debt to my brother. That I have massive sales. Long life and abundance for myself, father...
Lord, I Praise Your name. I thank You for all the answered prayers. I ask for forgiveness for all my sins, shortcomings through thoughts, words and deeds. O God, I pray for the following:
1. Thank You O God, that I have already acquired the ethics clearance and that I will be able to start...
country: philippines
ethics clearance
father mother brothers
good sleep peace
hiv cancer pneumonia
longevity health wellness abundance
sins shortcomings
support system
uncles aunties grandmas grandpas friends
Lord, I know that I am destined to thrive to where you put me. I know It is your will. Things may be hazy these times, but I believe in You o God. That You will provide for me and never abandon me. Lord, I ask for forgiveness for all my shortcomings and all sins that I have committed through...
abundant mindset
country: philippines
family members brother
good sleep
good team player
longevity health wellness abundance
mother brothers
negative forces
uncles aunties