
  1. Duniog

    Not sure which to listen to

    Faith says my darling will come back and that we'll reconcile, yes, however pain suggests that I should just die already, as I have very little, if anything worth staying alive for. Half of the time, I don't know which to listen to and, somewhat related, I don't know or otherwise think I'll...
  2. Duniog

    Not sure what to pray for

    As one might already know, I'm still praying/waiting for reconciliation with my long-distance loved one. Faith says that he'll come back and that we'll reconcile, yes, though, still, not when. However, on the same hand, I wonder if I should pray that I just die instead, considering how my...
  3. Gethlyth

    Good morning my Darling Lord please filled ...

    Good morning my Darling Lord please filled my mind and everything in me to work with you at all times in Jesus name Amen
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