current landlord

  1. Liuhill

    Legal Intervention & Financial Breakthrough

    I feel like I am breaking. I feel like I don't remember what's it feels like to not have hard trials and suffering. My mind is tired. I am drained and emotionally exhausted. I am experiencing extreme financial hardships after losing a job last year. I have prayed, fasted, read scriptures but...
  2. Anonymous

    Viewings today

    Once again I ask you to pray with me to the Lord our Saviour. Our current landlord has still not responded to our request to extend our lease until we can find another property. Today I am viewing a more expensive property in a golf estate. It's secure which is good as my hubby works away ###...
  3. mrsmorgan


    The lady ### said that the apartment will be ready the 1st of the yr. I need to get her $### this week for the deposit to secure the apartment. Praying that my mom ### helps me. Praying that my current landlord allows me until January to be out. I need favor Lord. I need immediate help. I need a...
  4. Ailaemienthe

    Need a place for ### and ### to live - being evicted

    I’m in need of prayer for a nice safe comfortable and affordable place for my family and I to relocate to. It’s also important to us to find rental property from a kind understanding Christian property owner who will allow us to rent affordably and to offer long term rental. On the 12th of...
  5. shyshy1900

    Please say a prayer that i find ...

    Please say a prayer that i find an apartment for me and my kids . The apartment we thought we had fell through. The current landlord wont renew the lease
  6. Anonymous

    Prayers please for the couple F&J. They ...

    Prayers please for the couple F&J. They need a new place to live. Their current landlord is not nice Prayer that they find a place prior to the 3/31 deadline to vacate
  7. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Need Prayer Please For Help With Some Stressful Situations That Are Weighing Very Heavily On My Mind This Evening Abba-Father God In Jesus's Name xox

    I am just very "Super-Stressed" out this evening by many situations and i know that I Am Needing Soo Much Prayer For God's Peace & Calm & Composure right now... Thank-you soo much everyone for your kind intercessions on my behalf ! Father In Jesus's Name Please carry me thru these difficult...
  8. Smileylady

    Pray with me for Housing section 8 documents approved asap

    Urgent. I live in California, Santa Clara county. If you can know you can help me? Please pray with and for my parents and me. I have been doing a paper work to move my aged illed parents to a house we found it fits their conditions. Housing specialist supposes to give me instructions of the...
  9. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Need Strength To Finish A Rental Application For A Landlord Named Howard & i am very weary from a trial that has gone on for fare too long JESUS HELP

    I am super tired & very weary & time is running out for me please pray for me the strength to go on as i am losing hope & i need to finish this application for a landlord named Howard I also need a recommendation letter from my current landlord & she wants me to write it for her instead & then...
  10. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Emergency Urgent Request Regarding Apartment Rentals Here Locally i no longer know what to do who to trust or what to believe anymore GOD YOU DECIDE !

    Please kindly pray for me as it is no longer definite if i will get the ground floor apt. that i looked at for rent And now the landlord Howard is not sure if the second floor apt is available either for me I am not sure what is going on right now Please Kindly Pray i am very tired of...
  11. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Housing Miracle Help me hold on Holy Ghost (don't You let me crack up here) & DEVIL YOU GET UNDER MY FEET RIGHT NOW IN JESUS'S NAME BEAT IT DEVIL NOW!

    I just left 3 voice messages with my friend Pastor Raul who is the superintendent of the building where i have been promised either a ground floor apt. or a second floor walk up apt. Pastor Raul is an Angel & has such a good heart i asked him to please just call me for a word of prayer as last...
  12. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Extreme Need For Favor From My Landlord Today...i ask for a supernatural & divine touch that God would cause my landlord Maria to bless me in kindness

    May Maria my current landlord be soo kind caring & compassionate to me & bestow upon me great FAVOR FROM GOD to be soo good to me today She had wanted me moved out by this month if i were able to i have a possibility of an apt to rent but it is not ready yet & all i can do is trust God to make...
  13. Boobie

    Prayer for home loan

    In Jesus name I say this prayer. My daughter is self employed and has 4 kids. My latest grandson was born a month ago. Her current landlord wants to sell the current home she lives in and have her first option to buy it. She is currently waiting to hear from the lender on whether she will be...
  14. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Serious Prayer Please...

    My head hurts soo much and my stomach is in knots and still upset and i don't know what to do to feel better please don't let me get sick right now i must be strong no matter what and keep going forward in all faith... i often feel like i just can't face one more day of life from the extreme...
  15. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Urgent Migraine From High Heat & Humidity Plus Stress & Tension thank-you soo much for your compassionate & kind & caring prayers i am most grateful !

    Father in Jesus's name please take this headache away from me & help me feel better i put all of my concerns into Your Son's Hands Friends of mine need much serious prayer because their situations are very dire & it upsets me soo much LAST OF ALL I CRY OUT FOR MY HOUSING MIRACLE PLEASE...
  16. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Favor & Great Day

    I am asking for such great Divine & Supernatural Favor with my current landlord especially today & all of this year I also pray to have a most wonderful & productive day & to accomplish all that i need to completely with all success I especially need my handyman friend Felix to call me this...
  17. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Housing Miracle Needed I Also Need Favor With My Current Landlord Until I Can Relocate & grace to get thru each day

    To all my friends here i love you soo much & your spiritual support means everything to me PLEASE i need favor with my current landlord she has threatened me again i can't eat or sleep when i do sleep i get very bad nightmare's i always feel on edge i am throwing out as many possessions as i...
  18. Anonymous

    Right place opens, preparations & prosperity in every way...

    I ask God continues to assist communication with my potential landlady to be or opens a better place — I do not want to keep moving, I ask the next place be a place where I can stay for a whike, prosper spiritually, physically and mentaly, and be in the financial position to return to the...
  19. Miranda T

    Need a place to live

    Pray that God will provide me with a suitable place for me to move in and my current landlord and landlady will let me go and return $18K deposit to me without any complaints, pray that God will send helper to move house. I will find a place without threats and triggers to live so that...
  20. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Need Favor From God Today...( and thank-you for your soo kind prayers for me )

    I ask for great Favor from God Himself today with all agencies and real estate brokers and potential future landlord's that i am involved with including my current landlord as well... May God's Favor Surround Me Like A Shield and a strong hedge of protection around me in all of my ways...
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