
  1. LADreamer

    Please pray for me I need a circle of faith that's got ### Faith just like me

    God gave me two dreams: one is a vision of me standing at the airport waiting for my bags, and the other is different kinds of currency I never saw before. God told me to write it down in my book that I keep with me. And He said to me He is taking me to LA, and I'm going to immigrate to LA where...
  2. Gysanisonen


    Pray to get and receive money in whatever currency and use in the right purpose To contribute and support the work of the ministry of God's work Construction Education Daily demands
  3. natasha2

    Money management skills

    To do everything wisely and perfectly concerning my money and the crucial.event in Croatia - changing our money currency from kuna to euro from 1.january. To be wise and prompt! Saving, spending, investing, giving money wisely. To have extraordinary money monegement skills. To have extraordinary...
  4. Lidkash

    I have recd a parcel from London, ...

    I have recd a parcel from London, by a friend, he has put some currency in the package, which has caused a great trouble, The customs asked a lot of money around 5 lakhs, i have a paid, keeping all my gold in the bank, now thy are asking more 2 lakhs and 60 thousand , i don't know how to arrange...
  5. Bainykos

    Investment savings scammed

    Dearest family. Please pray for me and if anyone can help with info. I have had ny bitcoin investnent compromised. The value us $7812.00. In our currency its over R12000.00. Thus is my only investment. I cant get a direct email address to a bitcoin investgator. Ir there headoffice. MY DEAREST...
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