curly hair

  1. Soldat25

    Wet dreams

    Can you guys pray for me. I was in a car, she’s brown, had curly hair, and she was driving. I was flirting with her and one of the guys had a Napoli kit in the back and I did too. As he left the car, I woke up. I didn’t have sex with her, but I woke up all wet. She looks like Sydney McLaughlin...
  2. Anonymous

    Suicidial prayer for loneliness no friends or ...

    Suicidial prayer for loneliness no friends or partner. Prayer for deliverance I am being bullied and oppressed everyday. I'm going through it alone and I'm called ugly everyday by guys or made fun of. I tried everything in my power to look feminine and beautiful and I still look ugly,plain, and...
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