crystal meth

  1. Paealle

    Prayer for Recovery

    Please pray for me to successfully complete my recovery plan that includes a 6 month outpatient program, probation requirement and a final court hearing. I have been sober from Crystal Meth for almost 9 months and have seen this life pause as a blessing. Reconnecting with my faith during these...
  2. Jayaenae

    Victoria to get off the drugs

    There's a young lady that we've been helping in our ministry one of the people we know has put her up in a hotel for over two weeks now because she was homeless in the street she's 28 she's a victim of drug and human trafficking sex trafficking and she's still doing crystal meth she confessed at...
  3. Ashoraj

    Drug addiction

    Prayer for my son Wilson 28 years addicted to drugs from 2012 to date ,dropped out of school after passing grade 10,unemployed,disrespectful ,lies and stealing .Currently admitted in mental health institution because of psychosis caused by Crysta Meth Thanking God for deliverence
  4. Anonymous

    Jesus, my neighborhood is getting bad. Young ...

    Jesus, my neighborhood is getting bad. Young people are carrying guns. People doing hard drugs like crystal meth, breaking into things. They try to intimidate me, but I stand up to them. I just don't know how much longer I can take this. Lived here for 40 years and unable to move. Police are...
  5. Anonymous

    Jesus, my neighborhood is a mixture of ...

    Jesus, my neighborhood is a mixture of good people and bad people. Most of the good people are older and refuse to move. The bad people are doing hard drugs like crystal meth, shooting guns, breaking into things. They try to intimidate the good people who stand up to them. Sometimes they shoot...
  6. Anonymous

    Girl in trouble

    My exwife's daughter is around 38 years old now. She has an addiction to crystal meth. She was arrested about one year ago for possession of this illegal drug. She has a kind heart, but has gotten in trouble now. Her court case comes up in one week. I am praying she gets probation and a...
  7. Jim AR

    Prayer request for a lost Soul

    Where do I start? There is a guy in my neighborhood named Tommy. I met him when he was in his late 40's. He had been sentenced to prison a couple of times for violating his probation. This last time after was was released he had around 10 years of parole to do. That's a long time to be good. He...
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