Heavenly father I'm not sure career path I should take in my life. Pls show me your plan and will in my life. Im interesting in applying to Christian institution and being a christian biblical counselor and I'm also interested in attending university and being a accounting clerk and/or a credit...
accounting clerk
career path
christian biblical counselor
christian institution
country: unknown
heavenly father
life pls
mighty name amen
right route
Heavenly father pls help me that I will have sufficient money that I can pay my $500.95 soon and pay $485.00 at beginning of every month and be financially stable. That I will score a 950 or higher in my TSI math exam and begin my online courses in business administration and complete Amarillo...
amarillo cc
business administration
country: unknown
economics program
heavenly father
mighty name amen
rhode island ma area
sufficient money
tsi math exam