I request for a prayer for me and my family. I have been unemployed for almost 2 years and right now I’m at the last part of an interview process. I’m super scared because it’s a job I really want and because we really need the funds. Please send positive vibes and prayers. Me and my family will...
Please pray for Irene, a 65 year old woman in Costa Rica who is fighting a strong fight against cancer. May she feel the love and comfort of Jesus with her. In his precious, holy name, amen.
Good morning. Can you please pray that God will give me a new job? In the place where I currently work, I have no chance to grow, and I need a change. Please pray for me. I have been asking God for several months for this, but He hasn't answered me yet. Thank you very much.
Please pray for my family to get back together, my ex husband, my son, and me. Please pray for him to understand that family is the most important, the priority. From Costa Rica.
I have problems with my wife since she hate mi mother, this situation has taken me to the limit. I would like you to pray to reestablish family unity and not lose my marriage. I just want to be able to love my wife but also my mother.
My husband died from Covid. He inherited a Metal Workshop, which I Know much about to handle job. My daughter 20 is at Med School. I need to take decisións to continúe or sell. I am not so Young with fibromialgia. TKS Bless YOU. EUGENE
Mi nombre es Alain Mata Zúñiga !!! Vivo en San José Costa Rica !!! Y les pido oración para que Jehová Dios me prospere enomicamente sobrenaturalmente !!! Necesito milagros financieros urgentes !!! Muchas gracias
PAGSr favor hacer oración para que Jehová Dios me prospere enomicamente sobrenaturalmente y así poder pagar el alquiler de mi casa , pagar recibos de servicios , comprar comida , etc
Por favor hacer oración para que Jehová Dios me prospere enomicamente sobrenaturalmente !!! Mi nombre es Alain Mata Zúñiga y desde San José Costa Rica los bendigo !!!
Mi nombre es Alain Mata Zúñiga y desde San José Costa Rica les pido oración para que Jehová Dios me prospere enomicamente sobrenaturalmente !!! Necesito un milagro financiero !!! Mi correo electrónico es agemazu@gmail.com
Very interesting life experiences. So, did God answered your prayer
concerning your Science studies?
El dom., 25 oct. 2020 7:06 p. m., PrayerRequest.com <
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