No no more dissappoitments in any qau area of my life in jesus name no no more rejection in any way area of my life in jesus name no no more delay in any way area of my life in jesus name no no more critasism in any way area of my life in jesus name no no no more lack poverty in any way area of...
Very very useful no no more dissappoitments in any way area of my life in jesus name no more rejection critasism in any way area of my part of me please lord no more asthma symptoms of asthma in my lungs body no no more affects in my health body in jesus name no more suffering in my health body...
Very urgent no no more dissappoitments no more rejection no more suffering no mote health problems no mote thin hair hair problems no more itchy scalp scap problems no more skin blemishes problems no more eye problems no more dry etes watering eyes itchy eyes sore eyes no more eye problems no...
Very very urgent no no more dissappoitments in any way no more rejection in any way no more afflictions in any way no more misfortune bad luck in any way no more afflictions in any way no more health problems in any way no mote thin hair hair problems in any way no more itchy scalp scalp...
Very urgent no no more poverty in my life in jesus name no more lack in any way in any area of my life no more dissappoitments no more rejection in any way no more critasism in any way no more skin problems in any way no more thin hair hair problems in any way no more eye problems in aby way no...
Lord I ask you please please bless make all things I havd written put on boards on my bedroom please please lord reality every one of them right now please without any delay no more dissappoitments no mote rejection no more critasism in any way no more lonleyness no more delay in any way no more...
Urgent no more dissappoitments in my life no more waiting no more delays in any way more rejection in any way no more critasism in any way no more lack in any way no more poverty in any way no mote lonleyness no more misfortune in any way no more health problems no more thin hair problems no...
No more misery in mu life in jesus name no more misfortune in my life in any way in jesus name no more dissappoitments no more delay no more rejection in any way no more critasism no more suffering no more sadness no more sorrow no more lack in my life in any way no more poverty in my life in...
Very urgent lord please please end all every misery all every lonleyness all every dissappoitments all every rejection all every delay all evert critasism all every lack in my life all poverty in my living living in council flat homes all lonleyness all haur problems all every eye problems all...
brand new life
country: unknown
dark circles
eye problems
face skin neck
hair problems
health problems
left eye
pigmentation marks lines
Very urgent no more dissappoitments in any way no more rejection in any way no more critasism in any way no more lack in my life in abh wah no more misfortune in any way no more poverty in my life in any wah no more living in council flat homes no more puffiness under my left eye no mote skin...
No more lonleyness in my life no more rejection in any way no more dissappoitments in any way no more critasism in any way no mote lack in my life in any way no more poverty in myife in any way no mote living in council flat homes no more misfortune in any way no more suffering in any way no...
No no more dissappoitments In my life in any way in jesus name no more rejection in any way no more critasism in any way no more lonleyness no more delay in my life prayers in any way no more lack in my life in any way no more poverty in my life in any way no more asthma symptoms of asthma no...
Very very urgent no more delay in my life prayers In jesus name no more dissappoitments in my life no more rejection in any way no more critasism in any way no more lonleyness in my life no more misery in my life no more sadness no more sorrow hurt pain suffering no mote pain in mu teeth gums in...
No more dissappoitments no more critasism to me about me my hair skin life apperance in any way no more rejection in aby way no more lonleyness no more suffering no more thin hair no more dry watering etes no more fat on my stomach no more skin bless on my skin no mote lack in my life in any way...
No more dissappoitments in my life no more rejection no no more delays in any way in any way no more critasism in any way no no more lonleyness no more sun more pain no more health problems no more worry no more anxiry no more deppression no more thin hair hair problems no more skin blemishes no...
black heads
country: unknown
health problems
new life desire
pale skin dry skin lines wrinkles
red veins
skin blemishes
thin hair problems
white heads
No no more did in any way in any area of my life no no more delay in aby way in area of my life no more critasism no more lonleyness no mote misery no more sadness no more sorrow no more thin hair hair problems no more dry eyes no more watering eyes no more eye problems no more skin marks no...
My lord and my god I ask you please please end destroy all every misery all every sadness all every sorrow all all every dissappoitments all every critasism all every lonleyness all every hurt pain suffering all every lack in my life all every poverty in my life all every tears all every...
Very urgent no no more dissappoitments in my life in any way in any area of my life intrest no more critasism to me about me towards me no more more suffering no more sadness sorrow no more lonleyness in my life no more thin haur hair problems in my hair no more skin blemishes skin problems no...