In Jesus' power, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I was told by two people that I was sitting at a table where others gossiped about her. I'm at work. I don't involve myself in those convos, so why bother. They all talk about each other. I sit. Protect this silly pettiness from holding...
I ask for prayer for my relationship(Krisztián&Timi) to be protected,beyond haven miracles and breaktrough,oneness the next days and weeks and forever. Lord grant us this wish fullfilment,each other in love. Heart to heart convos,lots of communication,heaven on earth kind of dating as a couple...
I ask for prayer for my relationship(Krisztián&Timi) to be protected,beyond haven miracles and breaktrough,oneness the next days and weeks and forever. Lord grant us this wish fullfilment,each other in love. Heart to heart convos,lots of communication,heaven on earth kind of dating as a couple...
I ask for prayer for my relationship(Krisztián&Timi) to be protected,beyond haven miracles and breaktrough,oneness the next days and weeks and forever. Lord grant us this wish fullfilment,each other in love. Heart to heart convos,lots of communication,heaven on earth kind of dating as a couple...
I ask for prayer for my relationship(Krisztián&Timi) to be protected,beyond haven miracles and breaktrough,oneness the next days and weeks and forever. Lord grant us this wish fullfilment,each other in love. Heart to heart convos,lots of communication,heaven on earth kind of dating as a couple...
I ask for prayer for my relationship(Krisztián&Timi) to be protected,beyond haven miracles and breaktrough,oneness the next days and weeks and forever. Lord grant us this wish fullfilment,each other in love. Heart to heart convos,lots of communication,heaven on earth kind of dating as a couple...