Goodday saints of God. I'm under attack of evil spirits in my body, crawling all over in my body even in my private parts. I'm under continues torment from this spirit. Please help me, this witchcraft wants to destroy my life. A sturbon spirit that does not want to leave my body. May God have...
Thank you so much for your continues prayers which is really benefits for us.Thank you for the prayers and your prayers working for us. Today also I would like to request for the prayers specially for my father who is sick Actually is Asthama patient.He is not feeling well.Feeling giddiness body...
I,m Justin , my mother leelamani is suffering from continues heart rate drop & elevation please pray for her to get the normal heart rate , normal potassium & creatinine levels & complete removal of infections ,.
complete removal
continuous heart rate
country: india
heart rate drop elevation
mother leelamani
normal heart rate
normal heart rate normal potassium creatinine levels complete removal of infections
normal potassium creatinine levels