God please help and direct my sibling to make the right decisions when it comes to their future and career, father protect my family, father I commit my career, father give me direction on what I should pursue, whatever career you choose make it clear to me, father help me become the biggest...
biggest influencer
country: unknown
engaging community members father goodness
first class
good care
good money
new phase father
right decisions
world father
My husband retired and it has hurt our finances, and he will not take any responsibility for our finances or admit he is wrong. I am so fed up. We have struggled with money all of our married life. People have always looked down on us. I have looked for work. I have alot of health problems...
big fight
big financial issue
country: united states
hardwood floors
health problems
married life people
part time
small ebay business
Please pray for God's provision for our finances. We have lost alot of money due to my husband's retirement and it is really causing a big problem in our marriage, and I admit, I am quite fed up with him. He will not work outside the home. He gets side jobs, but he throws a fit when I ask him...
This has been an awful week. My husband's retirement has caused alot of financial problems and he refuses to get a job outside of the home. I have a savings and money invested but with the economy
and his cut in pay, it is going down and before long, it will be gone.
I am in need of a job...
awful week
country: united states
enough followers
financial problems
health problems
new account
social media
wrong content program
I am a content creator ( Skit making ) I want my videos to start trending I want to start going viral. The right connections should start locating me. Before the end of 2022 I want all my prayers to turn into testimonies in Jesus name