contagious gossip

  1. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking the meddling/ gossiping neighbor and areas

    Could you please rebuking this meddling/ nosy spirit against me for damage my reputation with false encounter and extra charges or bill for like extortion spirit to put me down with finances , please mercy what is kind the wrong spirit test finances “ who is more expensive “ pray for the mercy...
  2. Busqueoficioin God

    Gossip neighbor meddling

    Could you please rebuke the gossip neighbor with the error confront spirit with environment bring gossip another and damage of reputation and relationship for want control and destroy with divorce other for smile with this contagious gossip following false encounter in and out to put discord in...
  3. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking the spirit of anger behavior and traps

    Could you please for this spirit contagious anger, test behavior put traps for giving permission for abuse, defiant behavior to confrontation with hypocrisy spirit after damage my reputation and hurt me stop this contagious gossip meddling with false coincidences and encounter for humiliation...
  4. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking the bad spirit confusion and confrontation

    Could please the environment spirit confusion around my life, neighbor or place? I am sorry with this malice, envy, or jealousy. There is suspicion about me in life to minimize me and confront with another woman. They are strong and rude for put me like “cockroach,” which is horrible...
  5. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking all bad spirits around my life

    Please rebuking this bad spirit of malice and suspicions around my life to criticize me or test my behavior with bad intentions, I was working in school, I had a bad experience with betrayal from supposedly friends coworkers who accused me with the director, putting me on warning, leading to an...
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