confusion misunderstanding

  1. Anonwoman

    Please Read Begging for prayer

    I'm not sure how to ask so I'm just going to start talking please Pray My Heart feels shattered in my chest I Love my spouse so much and He Used to and sometimes still acts like he wants to love me but For years we've been Getting close then A wall pops up between us due to...
  2. Archangaos

    (Oh lord these are my request from ...

    (Oh lord these are my request from ur alter) 1 Financial breakthrough, 2 new job and contract opportunities for my husband and I, 3 oh lord bless me with the fruit of the womb with my twins daughter's purity and praise 4 oh lord end every shame and delay in the life of my husband and I and...
  3. Archangaos

    (Oh lord these are my request from ...

    (Oh lord these are my request from ur alter) 1 Financial breakthrough, 2 new job and contract opportunities for my husband and I, 3 oh lord bless me with the fruit of the womb with my twins daughter's purity and praise 4 oh lord end every shame and delay in the life of my husband and I and...
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