Pray for the two passengers with me on the train. They are drinking and breaking rules. But I still am not sure that when the conductor told them to get off in the next stop it was too harsh, and that it is somewhat racist. Pray for peace and that there won't be any form of conflict. Pray no one...
I got a life which is with so much of physical and emotional pain. Today I really wanna tell God that I am very much willing to 100% let go of my past, and with total forgiveness and release. I wanna re-commit my life inside out to Jesus, let him to be the master and the Lord of my life, repent...
country: hong kong
country: taiwan
emotional pain
new different way
people events
savior comforter healer provider
total forgiveness
Praise God my sisters and brothers,if anyone can interpret this dream please help me out,and pray for me too..
i was sleeping and I saw myself in Avery speedy public vehicle ,I took a vehicle from my home but when reaching my place of work it refused to pack so we went to town in that vehicle I...