Please i need urgent serious prayer for compassionate help & favor with my paper-work
for a very important local agency this morning that i have an appt. with...
I ask that everything would go perfectly & the supervisor Miss ### would help
& assist me with all of my paper-work & also...
correct advice
country: united states
dear father
deep urgency
heavenly father
important local agency
mercy favor
name amen
paper work
Please i need urgent serious prayer for compassionate help & favor with my paper-work
for a very important local agency this morning that i have an appt. with...
I ask that everything would go perfectly & the supervisor Miss ### would help
& assist me with all of my paper-work & also...
correct advice
country: united states
dear father
deep urgency
heavenly father
important local agency
mercy favor
name amen
paper work
Dear Heavenly Father In Jesus's Name
may i find such kind and compassionate beautiful favor from God Himself with everyone at my doctor's appointment this afternoon
thank-you soo much God
Amen xoxox
I need to make a very extremely important phone call this afternoon
to a specific supervisor who i have always worked with in the past
& i am praying for soo much compassionate favor from The Father in Jesus's Name with this specific person who i must speak with this afternoon
country: united states
dearest abba father daddy
dearest holy spirit
exact right time
exceptional grace divine supernatural
exceptional understanding
important phone call
right words
specific supervisor
I have been thru hell & back with renting
since all of the hurricanes i have gone thru
my prayer is simply this
if this is the right place for me then
may i have such great and most compassionate favor shown to me.
if this is not the right one for me
then let this landlord cancel this...