my first semester exam will begin in the coming Wednesday (July 20) . Just one day more . Till this time , i have studied a little but not enough . I'm afraid now. My beloved all in Christ, Please pray for me to overcome this situation and write the exams very well
my first semester exam will begin in the coming Wednesday (July 20) . Till this time , i have studied a little (feeling a difference for me because of your prayers) but not enough . Like earlier feeling tiredness. Me beloved in Christ, Please pray for me to overcome this situation
my first semester exam will begin in the coming Wednesday (July 20) . Till this time , i haven't studied anything. I'm trying to study but due to unknown reasons , i can't even sit for a minute and don't know what to do . My energy is very much exhausted and Feeling tired . My beloved all , pray...
my first semester exam will begin in the coming Wednesday (July 20) . Till this time , i haven't studied and don't know what to do . My energy is very much exhausted . Feeling disappointed . My beloved all , pray for me to overcome this situation
my first semester exam will begin in the coming Wednesday (July 20) . Till this time , i haven't studied and don't know what to do . My energy is very much exhausted . My beloved all , pray for me to overcome this situation