Blessings to all. My friends at my other work, brought to my attention, that my colleague B, is so controlling to his ex girl friend and son, and does not allow them their Rx insurance card/info. The ex and little boy have trouble getting his meds filled b/c of this. I remembered a time a while...
God bless and hear your prayers. Continue to pray things will improve with said colleagues. Colleague B is wishy washy, depending on who's around. Vanna, actually was defending me and said,"He is a nice person." B has to make a joke or comment about me sarcastically, but will try and say one...
Dear brothers and sisters,
Two weeks ago I had put up a prayer request and I’m still waiting for God to answer my prayer. Colleague A at my workplace has been dishonest, lying, deceitful and has made false statements against my other colleague B. Colleague A has also done unscrupulous things...