clear vision healthy eyes

  1. natasha2

    No nest### of birds, no noise, amazing day, health..

    No nests and sounds of birds on the walls or terraces of my building. Feathers and noise are the problem. Probably too much garbage in our city block. Lord get things in order please. Crows big white feathers everywhere on streets. It looks ugly and it is not hygienic. Also pigeons making nests...
  2. natasha2

    No nest### of birds, no noise, amazing day, health..

    No nests and sounds of birds on the walls or terraces of my building. Feathers and noise are the problem. Probably too much garbage in our city block. Lord get things in order please. Crows big white feathers everywhere on streets. It looks ugly and it is not hygienic. Also pigeons making nests...
  3. natasha2

    Health, joy, prosperity, blessings, desires/dreams

    Clear vision Healthy eyes. Healthy teeth/dental flesh. No fear depression anxiety. JOY JOY JOY PEACE PEACE PEACE. HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH. POSITIVITY, OPTIMISM, GOOD MOOD, HAPPYNESS. AMAZING DAY TODAY AND TOMORROW in Jesus name. In every aspect of my life. Emotions, love, love...
  4. natasha2

    Clear vision, eyes

    Clear vision. Healthy eyes. Excellent eyesight. No fogue, dots or lines in my vision
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