I have done good on working to eliminate masturbation from my life, but recently I have been looking at pornography and am feeling guilt. I need prayers and strength to not fall back into this old bad habit. I need to overcome this so I can show love to my girlfriend, and have a clean mind and...
Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement Yom Kippur is the day when the high priest could enter into the Holy of Holies and now that Messiah has died and the veil was torn and He is our high priest we too can have access every day it's something to remember and celebrate and it's a 25 hour fast. I am...
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you that you forgive my sins, please take away my guilt and shame and please give me joy Lord I feel so depressed please take it away, please let me never do drugs again and have a clean mind and clean thoughts Jesus please let me have motivation for life and drive and...
Pray for me, I'm a single mother struggling with a teenage son in need of honest and positive people in his life, I myself have struggled with my faith in Christ, I'm praying for guidance so I can be a better parent to my son, help me to guide him on the path to righteousness, help me with my...
Pray for me and my burden regarding my husband David as he cannot care about me and our son. Pray that I will leave peacefully though he doesnt care about me. Pray that he will love me and steven and also to do his part as head of the family. Pray also that my husband would stop doing dirty that...