
  1. JesusourLordandSavior

    Beautiful classic song - ### did you know

    Hope this classic that is sung with so much conviction bless everyone here. Praising God for everyone. Thank you for your prayers.
  2. Anonymous

    I am currently in (online) secular college ...

    I am currently in (online) secular college full time and I am getting classicly persecuted and belittled (mocked really) by my instructor … could you please shoot some prayer arrows through our class as the damage this man is doing is creating a Dysfunctional fearful to ask questions environment...
  3. Praywithoutceasing

    I am currently in (online) secular college ...

    I am currently in (online) secular college full time and I am getting classicly persecuted and belittled (mocked realm) by my instructor … could you please shoot some prayer arrows through our class as the damage this man is doing is creating a Dysfunctional fearful to ask questions environment...
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