urgetn grandma cant gett rid of wast edue to circulaiton problems and deformed bdoy spine.Lord pleas ehal her body and please help her to get rid of waste eaisly withotu her blood pressur eoign up. Please heal her body and heart of congestive heart failure. Please hela my dads heart. hela him of...
urgetn grandma cant gett rid of wast edue to circulaiton problems and deformed bdoy spine.Lord pleas ehal her body and please help her to get rid of waste eaisly withotu her blood pressur eoign up. Please heal her body and heart of congestive heart failure. Please hela my dads heart. hela him of...
Jesus please help my husband he is in pain and lethargic. Please also help my son realize the way he sits is cutting off his circulation and we have a family history of leg and circulation problems. He says he doesn't care and won't sit better. Please realize I am trying to help him and stop it...