
  1. Jillsaint

    Please pray for my high blood pressure. ...

    Please pray for my high blood pressure. It goes real high. Scared. So many doctor visits. Frustrated. CIDP and remission from tonsil cancer
  2. Jillsaint

    Hip hurting. My brother in a nursing ...

    Hip hurting. My brother in a nursing home. Very angry. He is a drug addict. I get a text message from him saying awful things. He is 65. Please may God heal his heart. He is so angry! I’m sick too and husband. It’s too stressful! I’ve helped him a lot. But how much can you give? He has been a...
  3. Jillsaint

    Please pray have autoimmune disease, Cidp. Its ...

    Please pray have autoimmune disease, Cidp. Its making me in pain and nauseated. Depression also. I praise God for everything! Amen
  4. Jillsaint

    Going into flare with my Cidp. Help ...

    Going into flare with my Cidp. Help to settle my mind. Stressed. Pray for my sister who I haven't talked to in two years. Pray for my Brother who is in a nursing home.
  5. Jillsaint

    Pray for healing for me. I ...

    Pray for healing for me. I have CIDP. My sister won%u2019t talk to me. She got on drugs. My brother is in a senior living home Paraplegic. Thank you Lord for being with me
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