christian leaders

  1. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌐 Pray for Strong Leaders

    Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who understands your love and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in every nations that need them. My Heavenly Father, in the face...
  2. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌐 Pray for Strong Leaders

    Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who understands your love and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in every nations that need them. “Above all, love each other...
  3. Brother in Christ (JC)

    Let Every Nation Serve our Lord!

    Pray for countrymen to love and serve our Lord again. Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who understands your love and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in every...
  4. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌐 Pray for Ouf Leaders

    Pray for countrymen to love and serve our Lord again. Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who understands your love and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in every...
  5. Brother in Christ (JC)

    Let Every Nation Serve our Lord Again!

    Pray for countrymen to love and serve our Lord again. Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who understands your love and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in every...
  6. Brother in Christ (JC)

    Let Every Nation Serve our God Again!

    Pray for countrymen to love and serve our God again. Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who understands your love and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in every...
  7. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌎 Keep Our Leaders in Prayers

    Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who understands your love us and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in every nations that need them. “For we live by faith, not by...
  8. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌎 Keep Our Leaders in Prayers

    Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who understands your love us and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in nations that need them. “Do not be anxious about anything...
  9. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌎 Keep Our Leaders in Prayers

    Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who understands your love us and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in nations that need them. “For nothing will be impossible...
  10. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌎 Keep Our Leaders in Prayers

    Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who love us and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in nations that need them. “You'll be greater. I'll be lesser, You'll be...
  11. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌎 Keep Our Leaders in Prayers

    Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who understands your love us and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in nations that need them. “Be kind and compassionate to one...
  12. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌎 Keep Our Leaders in Prayers

    Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who understands your love us and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in nations that need them. “You will need to appoint some...
  13. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌎 Keep Our Leaders in Prayers

    Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who love us and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in nations that need them. “For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the...
  14. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌎 Keep Our Leaders in Prayers

    Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who love us and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in nations that need them. “Moreover, look for able men from all the people...
  15. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌎 Keep Our Leaders in Prayers

    Thank You Heavenly Father for placing Christian leaders in our lives who love us and care about our welfare. We have been uplifted by their wisdom, courage, kindness, and selfless love. Please establish Your leaders in nations that need them. “Moreover, look for able men from all the people...
  16. Intercessor

    For All in Authority (1 Tim 2:1-4)

    "First of All, I urge that prayers, thanksgivings, intercessions and entreaties be made on behalf of all people, for Kings and ALL in Authority, that we may lead peaceful lives of honest dignity — this is good in the sight of God our Savior who wills that all be saved and come to the knowledge...
  17. Intercessor

    All in Authority (1 Tim 2:1-4)

    "I urge, First of All, that prayers, thanksgivings, intercessions and entreaties be made on behalf of all people, for Kings and ALL in Authority, that we may lead peaceful lives of honest dignity — this is good in the sight of God our Savior who wills that all be saved and come to the knowledge...
  18. Intercessor

    All in Authority (1 Tim 2:1-5)

    "I urge, First of All, that prayers, thanksgivings, intercessions and entreaties be made on behalf of all people, for Kings and ALL in Authority, that we may lead peaceful lives of honest dignity — this is good in the sight of God our Savior who wills that all be saved and come to the knowledge...
  19. Intercessor

    For All in Authority (1 Tim 2:1-5)

    "I urge, First of All, that prayers, thanksgivings, intercessions and entreaties be made on behalf of all people, for Kings and ALL in Authority, that we may lead peaceful lives of honest dignity — this is good in the sight of God our Savior who wills that all be saved and come to the knowledge...
  20. Intercessor

    Prayer for Good Government (1 Tim 2:1-4)

    "First of All, I urge that prayers, thanksgivings, intercessions and entreaties be made on behalf of all people, for Kings and ALL in Authority, that we may lead peaceful lives of honest dignity — this is good in the sight of God our Savior who wills that all be saved and come to the knowledge...
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