christian influence

  1. Kinatheke

    broke and about to be homeless

    Am a long time out of work and am being evicted. Due to mental issues and being older I'm basically unemployable now. Rents where I live (###) are ridiculous, there's no way I can afford a new place. This comes at a time when I'm helping my elderly mother who is having severe health issues. I...
  2. Anagniosyne

    Dear Jesus, as you know due to ...

    Dear Jesus, as you know due to the sins of my past, my world is being pulled apart. The woman I have loved for many years as my wife, no longer wants to be married to me. Not just that, but she tells me that just being around her makes her hate me and makes her hate her own life. To me this an...
  3. Pelmirgor

    Pray for me. My niece Krystal has ...

    Pray for me. My niece Krystal has given up in her faith. She has 3 precious daughters, and is planning to move them 5 hours away to the middle of nowhere to get away from everybody and everything. They will NOT be going to church - and they will have no Christian influence. Two of the little...
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