christian girls

  1. Anonymous

    Medicine man Manuel cooley doing forced ceremonies on Christian girls

    Medicine man Manuel cooley doing forced ceremonies on Christian girls. A girl was a victim to the forced puberty ceremony. She is Christian and was still forced into parts of the puberty ceremony.
  2. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Pakistan

    There continues to be a silent epidemic of kidnappings, forced marriages and forced conversion of Christian girls and women in Pakistan. Pray for a stop to these awful crimes, and that our sisters will be released from captivity and healed of all trauma. Thanks so much for praying, Elohim bless...
  3. Anonymous

    Long to be in a relationship with ...

    Long to be in a relationship with a girl & a christ-centered marriage but I'm worried & cannot trust anyone & theres no christian girls , no bible believing girls in the place I Iive.
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