christian brethren

  1. Wylandadh

    3am prayer please for me and kitten Whitepaw, family and friends and for the salvation of lost souls nepheshes all over this wicked world.

    Shalom peace precious saints we are all brethren. Give thanks to you our Creator for another day of life to enjoy you and worship you and preach your true gospel and fellowship with my Christian brethren and make new disciples. It is a long way from the day when suicidal tendancies was a way of...
  2. Wylandadh

    Let's get back on the right times Christian brethren free site be blessed Today January 10th 2023 on the Gregorian pagan is 1st Tishri 5765 Like Daniel warned us the anti christs will seek to change the dates and times. upcoming on my YouTube how to keep the Saturday SAbbath. maybe livestream or pre...
  3. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Refugees - Nicaragua

    Political instability, poverty and drug trafficking-related conflict are forcing many parents to flee and leave their children with relatives. Although Nicaragua is not in the World Watch List top 50 (the 50 countries where persecution against our Christian brethren is the highest), it has risen...
  4. Salazorak

    I need prayers for my dad. My ...

    I need prayers for my dad. My dad is slowly losing his mind. He's begining to talk like foolish people and hardly understand simple things we speak to him about. He cannot remember things he just did seconds ago and sometimes tries to deny small mistakes he'd committed. Lately he's becoming so...
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