All glory, all honor and praise shall be unto the Lord our God. He alone is worthy of all praise. Please continue to pray for all choirs of all churches who sing precious songs of glory to God almighty. Let us all join David in saying to Jesus...I will extol the Lord at all times, His praise...
May our song of praise come to You o Lord as a sweet offering to your ears. Our heart rejoices in You alone and we whall forever praise and adore Your holy name wherever we are. Please Lord Jesus, bless all choirs of all churches where praises to God are raised out from thankful hearts. Bless...
As we continue to glorify the Lord with songs of praise coming out from grateful hearts, let us pray for each any everyone who sings in a heavenly choir songs of praise to God almighty. Pray for those who make time to come and rehearse and share their experience with others. May the Lord bless...
Thank you dear Lord Jesus for dying for me on the Cross. Thank you for rising from the Dead, this gives me hope that all problems we face are temporary and we will soon overcome them. Thank you for the choirs of Angels and Saints who are always willing to intercede for us. . Continue to shower...