My old mother and my old father (86)- health, strength, joy, optimism, energy, vitality, longevity, straight posture, clear thoughts, sobber mind, excellent memory. For me and my brother also.
My friend in Christ Helena - female - cca 65-70.
Healthy breasts and body. No breast cancer, no...
70 healthy breasts
86 health strength joy optimism energy vitality longevity straight posture
breast cancer
country: croatia
excellent memory
normal weight
old father
old mother
sober mind
Helena my good friend in Christ.
No breast cancer or anywhere in her body
Strong immuniti working for her not against her.
Healing of heart, emotions and traumas, childhood sexual abuse.
Removed heavy overweight for her and het son ( also a cancer survivor-thyroid).
Healthy eating habits...
breast cancer
cancer survivor
country: croatia
good friend
healthy eating habits
heart emotions
heavy overweight
strong immunity
The Testimony Lives
John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.
he MAD
Though he has tried for many many years, he can neither steal nor destroy the testimony to God. He can't kill it. From childhood sexual abuse to being cast onto the streets from a homeless shelter...
Prsying for freedom emotionally, financially and peace to continue! I want to heal from the trauma of childhood sexual abuse, I want to own my own home and be able to truly enjoy life.
While some singles should not be reading this blog, plenty do and find at Hot, Holy & Humorous more authentic, biblical, and specific advice than they’ve previously experienced in Christian circles. It’s nice to see so many singles attempting to prepare their hearts and minds for their future...
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