Help me pray that I will have a Godly husband and a miracle baby. A husband who loves Jesus and will love, cherish, and value me the way Jesus wants for me. Lord, please bless me a husband that will love, cherish, and value me. One who will be my lover and best friend forever. In Jesus' name...
Lord lord it is not good to be alone live alone lord I ask you please please bless Me me please lord with the total total very very best ever god given very very best ever right very best ever husband partner soul mate that's right for me in every way incredibly compatible with me in every way...
No more lonleyness lord i ask you please please bless me please with the total very very best ever husband partner best friend soul mate I desure please lord that's right for me in every way u get on with in every way who is totally compatible with me in every way who is every I want him to be...
My lord my god it is not good to be alone live alone no more lonleyness please lord bless me please wuth the total total very very best ever god given god divine rigjt very very best ever right husband partner best friend that's right for me in every way compatible wuth me in every way loves...
country: united kingdom
divine love divine connection divine attraction
right husband partner best friend
Lord I ask you please please bless me please with the total very very best ever god given divine right husband partner for me in every way who is titally compatible with ne in every way loves believes in you lord with divine love divine connection attraction in every way who incredibly loves...
Lord it is not not good to be alone live alone I ask you please please lord bless me please please with the total total very very best ever god given god divine amazing wonderful very best husband in every way from you lird that is tight compatible with me in every way that loves believes in you...
Lord I ask you please please bless me please with the very very best ever God given divine husband that loves believes in you lord with divine connection in every way divine love in every way divine attraction in every way who I get on with in every way who totally incredibly loves cherishes...
Lord please please bless me please wuty the very very best ever husband I desire that meets avd fits all my needs desire that totally incredibly loves cherishes totally adores me in every way more more every day that I am a god given blessing to him and home to me that loves believes in you lord...