cataract glaucoma bad eye surgeries

  1. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle...blindness...wisdom, decisions

    My period must stop now. It lasts already 15 days. Stabilization of menstrual cycle No danger of blindness for my old father. He had cataract, glaucoma, bad eye surgeries and now double and fogy vision. So much that he stumbles on wholes on the street. Wisdom for every area of my life...
  2. natasha2

    Eyes, vision

    Eyes and vision. Better and better from day to day for me and my family in Jesus name. Especially for my old father. Repaired restored vision - he had cataract glaucoma, bad eye surgeries. Now he has double vision on one eye and blury vision. Danger of blindness - doctors prognosis. My father...
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