Idk what to do anymore. I never had intrusive thoughts bother me as much as they have been for the last 2 months. Every day last month I started feeling better because I created a new routine with the way I spend time with Jesus and I’ve read my Bible more than I have within the last few years...
Lord I pray this Heat subsides and this other group meets up soon and these rashes are totally healed and gone and please wake me earlier and help my body to rest up and heal well for this blessed busy weekend
So tired lord and my feet hurt so badly can’t even eat, still so much to do, please heal to my Feet, sore throat wheezing skin and hair fall help me try to rest soon and bless our busy weekend with Your perfect will precision timing and accuracy with Your Godly Help and with it all that this...
Lord Bless us All, so tired and how this cough and a very busy weekend. Please please help me sleep now and wake earlier, bless and protect our day Your mighty Protecting Blood covers us and convict this person to return that item that I believe was taken when doing this work and still not...
My car wants to cut off again don’t know what’s going on with it, many hesitant starts, but my Lord can fix anything, barely made it home now and home repairs soon and busy weekend. Lord bring Victory to us and close ones, give us Protection strength Peace patience and consideration. You Are our...
Protection and healing on popping knee praying it be ok since have a busy weekend, need peace and calm and safety and to rest well. God bless. We are covered in His mighty Blood!