Praise that lord brother Ronnie, My prayer request is that am requesting God to help me so that my husband travel safely abroad for work and he support our family
Am ASIIMWE JACOB from Kosovo 0787687635 ask brother Ronnie to pray for me in order to go back to school because my is in jail and need to back to school.amen thanks to Jesus
Hi brother ronnie , am called cwinyaai fred from bweyogerere plz am kindly requesting u to pray for me coz even if i hav money it cant even take like two days is over plz help me
I Okula Joshua from Naguru Go-Down I do request brother ronnie to pray for me and my brother odongo paul who is seriously sick of diabetes for almost 1half year. May God bless you.Amen
I feel alot of headache, brother Ronnie pray it is almost two to three years now I use alot of painkillers please brother Ronnie help me and pray for me.